Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Well, Hello Tuesday

When you sit on the living room floor to cut out a pattern and fabric, it helps to NOT set your coffee next to a grocery bag that your cat will feel obligated to pounce on, spilling your precious liquid in the process.

And when cooking breakfast for your family, remember to turn the potatoes OFF and your sausage ON, because your sausage can't cook when the skillet is cold, and your mashed potatoes don't need to boil over.

Also, when you're making yourself a fruit smoothie, it's best not to try anything new when your mother isn't home. Using the wrong jar for the blender could result in a chunky delicious mess, and the seal on the blade MIGHT tear up.

If you let your youngest brother try to get something out of the cabinet, he just MIGHT drop a bowl into the pitcher of sweet tea.

Yes, all those things could happen if you're not careful... But I'm not saying any of those things have ever happened to me. Of course not...

I hope you're having a wonderful Tuesday! Maybe mine will be a little less messy from now on...


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